Let's get together
All EventsGoldsprints 2025
Saturday /
8:00PM - 11:00PM
Upstairs at Dharma Bums
At the turn of the century, pro bicycle racers barnstormed across the country racing head-to-head on indoor bicycle training rollers in Vaudeville productions. Bicycle messengers in large urban areas revived this style of racing in gritty bars during the 1980’s.
“Goldsprints” are head-to-head races on fork-mounted rollers (you don’t need to be able to balance on traditional rollers) for 300 meters (about 20 seconds for most people). We provide track bikes with flat-pedals and foot straps. You don’t bring your bike, and you don’t need cycling-specific equipment like cycling shoes. Costumes, heckling and participatory fun are strongly encouraged. The open category is for anyone. The elite category is for bike racers and weekend warriors.
More information can be found at https://www.bikeworks.shop/goldsprints/
Presented by Bike Works of Doylestown and Newtown
$20 advance/$20 at the door
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